Details are emerging of a potential revised planning application for housing on the land between Acorn Way and Derby Road in Spondon.
The Spondon Councillors Facebook Page reports that agents Simon Foote Architects are releasing details of a consultation on a new plan for housing details of which can be seen at
An outline planning application was submitted previously for 250 houses on land adjacant to Acorn Way and Derby Road, Spondon, at the end of last year, which was rejected at planning committee.
Since the refusal, the applicants have been assessing their next steps in relation to the land they own, and have asked the agents to complete a public consultation with an alternative design. The design reduces the number of proposed houses and puts forward a public open space strategy within the site.
They have released the feasibility design using a designated website to allow as many people as possible to access the information. The website address is
They will also be pinning up notices in local shops and community hubs to ensure that the community is aware of the indicative proposals.
It is important that you use the site to make comment and you need to be aware that the consultation will be open for comment only until 23rd September, on the above web site.